CPI 2.25 kW C-band Rack-Mount Indoor TWTA T22CI
Provides 2250 watts of CW power in a compact nine rack-unit package, digital ready, for wideband, single and multicarrier satellite service in C-band. Ideal for transportable and fixed earth station applications where space and prime power are at a premium.
Cost Effective and Efficient
Employs a high efficiency dual-depressed collector helix traveling wave tube backed by many years of field-proven experience in airborne and military applications. The collector design is optimized for cool operation and full CW power.
Designed and built to survive in extremely adverse environmental conditions. CAN-Bus architecture improves reliability and noise immunity. Optional LifeExtender™ significantly increases TWT lifetime.
Simple to Operate
User-friendly microprocessor-controlled logic with integrated computer interface, digital metering, pin diode attenuation, optional integrated linearizer for improved intermodulation performance, and BUC option for use with C-band modems.
Easy to Maintain
Modular design and built-in fault diagnostic capabilitywith convenient and clearly visible indicators for easy maintainability in the field.
Meets Global Requirements
Meets International Safety Standard EN-60215, Electromagnetic Compatibility 2014/30/EU and Harmonic Standard EN-61000-3-2 to satisfy worldwide requirements. CE Marked.
Worldwide Support
Backed by over 40 years of satellite communications experience, and CPI’s worldwide 24-hour customer support network that includes more than 20 regional factory service centers.